Jett's Page




It’s August now, and Jett has been with us for nearly three months. He has wormed his way into the Hartley family hearts. At first we tried and tried to find his original owner, or to find him a new home. But no one seemed to be in the market for a new dog. After a series of turndowns, it seemed that we became less and less diligent about the search.

Jett, of course, came with the difficulty of a badly fractured leg. One of the biggest challenges was keeping him quiet so he wouldn’t reinjure himself.

Also, Jett had angels looking over him with financial assistance from LabMed. They are wonderful people and Jett received a grant from them to help pay for his medical bills.

Somewhere along the way, Jett acquired the name of “Dirt Digging Devil Dog,” but we love him anyway. He also chews and chews. We are trying to train him about which things are his and which are ours. He has crossed the boundaries a few times.

If you love labs, please consider supporting LabMed by visiting them at